Rallies are held on the 1st Sunday of each month (except for January when there is no rally). Riding members are placed in a colour coded group depending on the ability of the horse and rider combination.
Rally Times
09:30am Gear Check
10:00am Session One
11:00am Session Two
12:00pm Lunch
01:00pm Session Three
02:00pm Session Four
At Mound Duneed Pony Club we offer a range of activities from dressage, cross country, show jumping, stockmans challenge, games, polocrosse, ground work and ride to time just to name a few!
All members follow the new Pony Club Australia syllabus which builds on the members riding, horsemastership and horse knowledge skills. We incorporate theory into our rally plans with a focus on members achieving their proficiency certificates along the way of their pony club journey.

What is the minimum age to join pony club?Pony Club Australia covers people from the age of 3 years old.
When are rallies held?Rallies are held on the first Sunday of every month, except for January where there is no rally.
What are my volunteer requirements?Families are expected to contribute 15hrs towards the club at either working bees or competition. This does not include time at rally. Every member is expected to contribute at rallies and we have a roster system to rotate the jobs i.e. set up for rally, canteen, cleaning of club rooms, set up, harrowing arenas for example. Please remember the club is run by volunteers so please help them make the day run smoothly.